The day I met
Boston Grace
(He was 9 days old)
I was SO excited to get to Shreveport to meet my little nephew. It was unbelievable to see my big sister with her baby. She was a natural! So attentive to her little guy, so sweet and gentle with him. It makes me so proud to see her as a mommy and to think about the beautiful childhood Boston will get.To see Bonnie's blog and photos, click here.
It was so funny to see so many similarities he has for his mommy AND daddy!! Every time I looked at him, I saw a different parent in his features. What an amazing thing! It's neat to know that I have some of the same blood as this little guy.
I cried when I first held him...
I was so happy, so fascinated by him. I've known a lot of babies, but BOSTON stole my heart like none other. He was so perfect!

Aunt Shell came by for her lunch break. I only gave the baby up for her to have a photo and for Bonnie to nurse him. (I was a little selfish with him, since I had such little time to hold him)
And I had to kiss him as much as possible before I left!!
His big sister Molly approves lovingly. She was still curious when I was there, but I can already see that they will be great playmates. How cute it will be to see them grow up together!

I loved how he held my finger, and will cherish the feeling I had holding his tiny hand, examining his perfect fingers forever.
Mom is so proud! She decided to be called Marmie after the mother of The Little Women.
Little Rookie! I know Molly won't mind playing ball with him. His tiny body fit in Daddy's glove! Already making Tim so proud, I'm sure.

Aunt Shell shares sugar with the surely sweet super baby. Say it 3 times fast
It was so nice to go home. I got there late at night with Bug and was so exhausted after Larry and Megan's wedding weekend, but still took a little while to take it all in. I was IN LOUISIANA! Home Sweet Home! I sat in the back yard, felt the feel of the south, ate some oreos and milk, and just felt happy to be there... before I crashed on the couch with a familiar quilt. These are the chairs that used to be on Alee's (my grandmother) back patio- so many memories with very special family. I always appreciate the significance of things like that.
Here is Mom-R and Dad's back patio. My favorite place to have coffee/wine/beer/anything with my parents. It always looks wonderful, even when Mom-R says she has all sorts of work to do in the garden. I miss sitting out there....
But the best part of Dad's house is the PLAY ROOM!! Mom-R has it decorated so cute, with collages of photos of us growing up, art we made when we were younger, Dad's and Mom-R's childhood trophies and art, and of course our old toys.
Here are mine and Katie's collages and a cute reading corner.
And the very best part... our babydolls and barbies!! From which my best memories sprung... pretend.
This little guy is loved more than he could possibly know. And I'm ready to watch Boston grow, learn to live his life to the fullest, and not just pass milestones, put hop them with a happiness in his heart that can't be equated or explained with words. Watch out world, Boston William Grace is gonna do big things with is life!
I got to stop to see my Ruston family on the way to the Monroe airport. Lily has gotten a little taller, but still pretty much weighs the same! She gave me two very special gifts. One is the bracelet she is wearing in the picture with her dog, and one is a painting.
Have I ever told you what a wonderful artist Lily is? She's awesome. Below is her Green Eggs and Ham painting she made at her art class. It's hanging in her kitchen!
Here are Lily and Abby painting before I left. I just found these photos after they were forgotten! Abby was more interested in changing the color of her water, and Lily paints daintily (notice the pinky). Silly Lily
And here is the painting Lily gave me before I left. It's a pumpkin and snow! Perfect for my Boston kitchen! I love it... and I miss Lily Boo and Karen tons!! I can't wait for the whole family to come visit in March.
All in all, my visit back home was really nice, and much needed, but
WAAAAAYY too short. Next time I will take more time off work to make
sure that I get to spend ample time with everyone. Until, then Skype
will do the trick! Here are a few images from Dad's b-day party that I
got to see everyone through Skype on. Sorry about the bad quality. They're screen shots.
Michelle, Boston, Katie
Me, Michelle, Dad, Boston, Katie
Michelle pulled out her old babydoll to compare the size of it to Boston. The doll was definitely bigger! So funny!!!
Aunt Connie thinking Michelle's nuts. Or maybe that was just me thinking it. Katie has the real baby.
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